
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Higgs Fake, Alexander Unzicker - Book Review

  Disclaimer: This book discusses a very advanced or rather, the latest major discovery in the field of Quantum Physics. While I have spent a decent amount of time trying to grasp it all, even I don't fully understand the finer details. I have tried to speak in layman's terms, but there might be some parts which go totally over your head. In short, proceed only if you are a science enthusiast.  So that being said, let's start with it. The Higgs Fake: How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee is written by Alexander Unzicker, a German theoretical physicists and this was his second book, the first also being a critic. This book is basically a very harsh critique of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and more specifically the discovery of the Higgs Boson by the scientists working at the LHC in 2012, a year before. Before reviewing the book, I feel it is necessary to give a brief intro about what these two things are.  The Higgs Boson and the LHC -  Our story ...

The Need For A World Government - Part B

A long while ago I had posted Part A of this topic which had received a nice response for which I am grateful to all the readers who took time to read about my opinions. In Part A I had introduced the topic of a World Government, its history, and its basic structure. In Part B I will discuss about the various advantages of having one World Government. *If you haven't read Part A please read that first  here * Advantages Of Having A One World Government -  1. Effect on Tourism - This comes naturally to the mind. If the entire planet is one country and there are no boundaries so any human will be able to travel to any place on Earth. Don't get me wrong, we still can travel to any country with the proper documents but unification of all humans will have a major effect of tourism. The reason is natural, in today's world humans are highly suspicious of each other. Think for a second, can an Indian travel to Pakistan? Can a Pakistani come to India? There are so many such exam...