The Need For A World Government - Part B

A long while ago I had posted Part A of this topic which had received a nice response for which I am grateful to all the readers who took time to read about my opinions. In Part A I had introduced the topic of a World Government, its history, and its basic structure. In Part B I will discuss about the various advantages of having one World Government.

*If you haven't read Part A please read that first here*

Advantages Of Having A One World Government - 

1. Effect on Tourism - This comes naturally to the mind. If the entire planet is one country and there are no boundaries so any human will be able to travel to any place on Earth. Don't get me wrong, we still can travel to any country with the proper documents but unification of all humans will have a major effect of tourism. The reason is natural, in today's world humans are highly suspicious of each other. Think for a second, can an Indian travel to Pakistan? Can a Pakistani come to India? There are so many such examples where it is near impossible to travel to certain regions. With the formation of One World Government, this will change. And this change will enable humans to better understand the different cultures throughout the world, which will have a drastic effect on human learning and understanding.

2. Effect On Education, Jobs - The same logic as applied to the above point will be applicable here. For this, we can see the problems happening right now. USA, where many of the World's best universities are situated, has stopped giving visas to students. Not only that, look back when Donald Trump wanted the students already studying there to go back to their native country. Now for a student aspiring to study in Harvard, or MIT, what a blow it must be! 

3. No World War - This is perhaps the most important advantage. World War 3 threatens human extinction if nuclear weapons are used. Einstein captured this point perfectly when he said, "I don't know what WW3 will be fought with, but WW4 will be fought be sticks and stones." Unification of all the countries into one would be the best solution to prevent another World War so that the nuclear technology can be used for better purposes like energy generation. Not only world wars, but events like the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the constant fighting in Syria, the Indo-China conflict would no longer take place saving uncountable lives. 

4. Cooperation within different regions - The formation of a World Government would result in the sharing of technology and resources equally and equitably throughout the world. There would no longer be any trade wars like the one between USA and China last year. Another perfect and recent example of this would be the COVID 19 vaccine. In May 2021, USA had stockpiles of unused vaccines lying in warehouses as no one wanted to take them and were hence, being wasted. Now imagine if those vaccines would have been given to people in India and Brazil where thousands were dying everyday. This is just one example of how World Government can save millions of lives as the developed regions would share it's resources to developing and underdeveloped regions giving a major boost to the overall standard of living in the world. 

5. Uniform Law, Currency - If you read the news regularly then you must know about the major problem which all the countries are facing - how to tax multi national companies like Google, Amazon, Twitter etc. How to regulate the content being shared in social media platforms? As of today, all countries have different rules in these aspect which hurts both the people and the companies in question. Just two days ago 136 countries agreed on a global minimum corporate tax of 15% from 2023. This is just a step towards what I am talking about and shows you how formation of a world government is becoming more and more necessary by the day. 

6. Other - Another problem which a world government could solve is that of refugees and immigrants. Everyone would be a world citizen, simple. This will also help in significantly reducing climate change. How you ask? Sharing of clean technologies would result in a lower dependence on polluting ones. The highest impact of this move would naturally be on regions like Africa, Southeast Asia and look what, that comprises a majority of the world population. Coincidence, I think not. And as we all have learned as kids when playing hide and seek, "majority wins". This would also result in a balance of population. As of today, countries like India and China are way overpopulated which just burdens the system which becomes inefficient and cannot serve the public as well as it should. On the other hand, countries like Australia, Russia are actually paying people to come and live there. Here's the complete list. 

These are some of the many benefits of having a One World Government. However, the road is not as easy as it appears there are numerous challenges on the way. As always, I would appreciate any feedback of any form, my insta id - krishnakabra7 and my email id -  Till then, if you like the content, please refer this blog to your friends, family etc.

Thank You...

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  1. Great thoughts !
    I think if people starts thinking of whole world and need to save it then world govt. would no longer be a dream .
    but the situation is that most of the people don't really care about such important topics. bringing such topics in minds of such all people can be done to aware them
    Just you and me can't do anything .
    to achieve such a great goal we have to make people aware of its great advantages as well as threats that we would face if it won't happens
    people are now becoming more greedy and selfish .
    there mindsets are not capable of such high and bright future (not all )
    you are doing a great job by bringing such important topics .
    I appreciate your thoughts .
    Unification of people , states , different group as well as diff. countries always end up profiting all of them !

  2. yes these are some very good points that you have mentioned, but by history we have learned that the larger the area a person has captured, the bigger fall they have. Now if there is a world government the variety of people increase and then can cause huge rebellion because many terrorists would be able to roam freely saying they are a world citizen.
    Also, since all countries would lose power very few countries would join making the programme a complete waste of time. This can cause an increase in speculations catalyzing the the World War 3.
    This can also kill many traditions and ethics of a religion or many languages like Sanskrit, will be forgotten since it is 1 world 1 communication language and 1 common trend which would also kill the uniqueness of the country.

    But everything has its own pros and cons and this is my view.... But the blog was also very good and I appreciate the effort

    1. Two sides to every coin..what we can do is to keep ironing out the creases in any plan and keep making the world a better place. Thanks a lot :)

  3. Great idea. The key is the 'federal' aspect. Nations will be preserved, just donating certain prerogatives of 'national sovereignty' (war powers) to create a international tier of government were none now exists (anarchy). This supranational tier of government ideally will only deal with international issues, have an executive responsible to a global legislature (of ,for and by the people) along with a judicial branch. War, like murder....will simply be illegal. enforceable LAW & courts will replace war . Once established it will seem the obvious a few short generations children will read in history books that nations used to settle disputes by killing each other and it will seem unbelievable. E PLURIBUS UNUM globally. I think as a practical matter, you would have to start with an expanding nucleus of 'democracies' a global federal union would have a 'bill of rights' guaranteeing basic rights essential to democratic government (freedom of speech, press, religion, etc)


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